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Workshops 2024/25

Hier finden Sie umfangreiche Informationen zu den von mir veranstalteten Workshops in Deutschland und Italien.

Tänzer einer Performance

Butoh Body Liberation Retreat 2025

July 9 – July 13

arrival on July 8, departure on July 14

Casa Florida in Liguria (Italy)

"Body Resonance" by Yumiko Yoshioka

"Authentic Movement and dance whit the natur" by Annalisa Maggiani

 July 13, a presentation “Hikari –  Luce”

at the riverside of Magra

30th Anniversary of the collaboration

since “Al Giorno del Ritorno al Mare”,

the first presentation at Castle Lerici in 1995


contact: Annalisa Maggiani

Butoh-Tänzerin im auffälligen Kostüm

Butoh and Body Liberation
Eine Butoh - Trilogie


Dock 11

Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg

mit Annalisa Maggiani und

Henriette Heinrichs

16.+17. November 2024 „Rizome“

15.+16. Februar 2025     „Blooming“

29.Mai -1.Juni 2025   „The fruits of Eden”


Zeit: Täglich 11 - 18 Uhr

Diese drei Workshops sind eine Trilogie, die zusammenhängend oder auch einzeln buchbar sind.
Der dritte Teil ist ein Performance Workshop mit Aufführung im Mauerpark

Drei Workshops als Trilogie

Unsere Philosophie
Es gibt vergessene Räume in unserer Körpererinnerung, in denen die Zeit stehen geblieben erscheint. Diese Räume werden wir öffnen und lüften.
Die Langsamkeit und die Stille zwischen den Bewegungen ist der Türöffner für neue Möglichkeiten. Im Butoh-Tanz bewegen wir unsere Körper aus starken sich wiederholenden Imaginationen heraus. Diese Imaginationen unterstützten die Intensität unserer Bewegung. Die heilenden Kräfte unserer Nerven und Faszien werden geweckt. Das polyvagale Nervensystem wird im Butoh Tanz aktiviert, so kann der Tanz aus dem Urgrund unseres Seins entstehen und unsere wesenseigenen Ausdrucksformen ans Licht bringen. Im Butoh Tanz lassen wir den Körper aus seinen innersten Schichten heraus, zu uns sprechen.
Daraus entsteht ein Tanz, der das kollektive Unterbewusstsein der „Zuschauenden“ berühren kann. 
In diesem Workshop wird jede Person unterstützt die persönliche Ausdrucksstärke ihres eigenen Tanzes zu entwickeln. Die unterschiedlichen Stile von Annalisa und Henriette verschmelzen sensitiv und eröffnen den Teilnehmenden ein weites Spektrum an Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten.
Erster Teil: „Rizome“

In diesem Workshop werden wir die Energie des Herbstes hereinlassen.
Unsere Kraft in unsere Wurzeln ziehen und aus unseren Tiefen heraus den Körper sprechen lassen. Unser weitverzweigtes gemeinsames Wurzelwerk kann sich entwickeln. Wir können diese Verbindungen in unserem Körper wahrnehmen und mit anderen Tanzenden teilen und einen Tanz der Zugehörigkeit entstehen lassen. Wir werden den kollektiven, pulsierenden Körper kontaktieren, die Erdung, die Verwurzelung, die Verbindung mit der Erde und zwischen den Lebewesen. „Rizome“ tanzen!

Zweiter Teil: „Blooming“

Tanzend öffnen wir uns dem wiederkehrenden Licht des Februars. Wir nutzen die transformative Kraft des Vorfrühlings, erspüren deren Resonanz im eigenen Körper und tauchen ein in die Metamorphose des Öffnens. Erwecken organische und natürliche Bewegungen um uns zu entfalten. Im Tanz entdecken wir neue Wege, um unsere inneren Blumen, unser authentischstes Wesen, zum Blühen zu bringen.
Dritter Teil: „The fruits of Eden“

Ein Walking Akt über das Verblühen und Verwehen…
(4 Tage an Himmelfahrt mit Abschlussperformance im Mauerpark)
Unsere Imaginationen führen unsere Bewegungen, unsere Körper werden aus unseren inneren Bildern heraus bewegt. Die Gruppen- Performance entsteht aus unseren unsichtbaren Verbindungen, unserem gemeinsamen Atem, unserer Vorstellungskraft, unseren Körpern.


16.+ 17. November 2024 „Rizome“

15.+ 16. Februar 2025  „Blooming“

29.Mai - 1.Juni 2025 „The fruits of Eden”


Zeit: Täglich 11 - 18 Uhr

Ort: DOCK 11, Kastanienallee 79, 10435 Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg und im Mauerpark
Einzelwochen-Workshop (November oder Februar) 210,-€ - Frühbucher 190,- €
4-tägiger Workshop am Himmelfahrttag (29. Mai - 1. Juni) 420,- € Frühbucher 380,- €

Triologie: (November + Februar + Mai) 690,-€ - Frühbucher 600,- €,  jeweils bis 2 Monate vorher


Workshop Ausdruckstanz

in der VHS Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg

9.-10.November 2024 
Sa. 11.00-17.00 Uhr, So. 11.00-16.00 Uhr

18.-19. Januar 2025
Sa. 11.00-17.00 Uhr, So. 11.00-16.00 Uhr

Der Workshop lädt ein, die Nuancen der eigenen Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten zu entdecken, Entspannungs- und Atemübungen werden den Körperstress abbauen, Wahrnehmungsübungen lassen Bedürfnisse neu erkennen, Tanz-improvisationen erwecken den Spaß an der Bewegung. „Metamorphosen“ sind das Thema  dieses Workshops. 
Methoden: Elemente der Butoh, Tanztherapie, Laban-Bartenieff, Authentic movement und danza sensibile.

Anmeldung: VHS Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg,

Info - Tel: 90 298-46 00 per mail:

alte verschlungene Bäume
Viandanza Incontrare l‘energia dell´Autunno.

Danza con la Natura e consapevolezza


Sabato 28 Settembre

ore 14.30 - 18.30

Workshop condotto da Annalisa Maggiani.


Un cammino in contatto con la natura, le sensazioni ’introspezione e la calma, il pulsante cuore dell´Autunno, il mito di Demetra e Persefone.

Incontrando la Natura contattare il grande respiro, il corpo collettivo, nutrire il Se‘, la trasformazione. Un approccio eco-somatico. simbolico.                        


Dove: La Rocchetta/ Monti di San Lorenzo  

potete scrivermi direttamente e vi saranno date tutte le info.

„Terra Madre“

Authentic Movement -

Tanz-und Bewegungs Workshop


Uhrzeit: 10.00-16.30 Uhr 

"Unsere weibliche Energie kontaktieren, unser Selbst nähren, einen kollektiven Tanz der Zugehörigkeit entwickeln."
In diesem Workshop  begegnen wir der Wandlung von Sommer zum Herbst, um neue Energie zu sammeln! 
Wir werden über Atem, Körper, Bewegung, Tanz, Imagination, kreatives Schreiben und Malen mit der lebendigen Energie unseres Körpers und Dasein in Kontakt kommen. 
Durch Authentic Movement kontaktieren wir unsere weibliche, schöpferische Energie, spüren den “Kollektiven Körper” und integrieren sie in unser tägliches Leben.
Durch Butoh-Tanz finden wir einen somatischen Ansatz, der unsere Transformation unterstützen kann. Wir kontaktieren und stärken unsere Ressourcen und lernen unsere regenerativen Energien steuern.

Teilnahme Beitrag: 50€, ermäßigt 35€
Ort: S.U.S.I - Innsbrucker Str. 58, Berlin-Schöneberg (U9 Bayrischer Platz)

Body Liberation Retreat
Butoh based on Body Resonance
Dance with Nature and Authentic Movement

Casina Settarte (Ostuni- Puglia)
led by Yumiko Yoshioka e Annalisa Maggiani
3.Luglio - 9.Luglio 2024
(3.July arrival from 17:00 - 9.July departure)

How can we reach the liberation of the body? How can we nourish the healing body?
Let´s  dance and move the resilient body, with flexibility like leaves in the wind and stability like deep grounded roots, and capacity for metamorphosis and transformation.
This retreat is based on the body works of “Body Resonance -based on Organic Movement and Butoh” by Yumiko Yoshioka and “Movement-Dance with Nature” and “Authentic Movement” by Annalisa Maggiani, a journey into the resonances of the body, images and  the nature.

In the morning sessions for 3 hours, Yumiko Yoshioka will offer “Body Resonance” meeting the memories of the body, and freeing the resilient element  in our body.
In the afternoons for 3 hours, Annalisa Maggiani will lead us with the “Movement Dance with Nature and Authentic Movement” with the resonances of the elements of nature. Our body will find a way to expand and release the imaginary and the potential of metamorphosis, as opened in the morning trainings.
The mornings and afternoons come together toward a path of resonance, openness, and awareness, by releasing emotional and bodily blocks and integrating this experience into our lives and art.

Our Philosophy
The Body as a place of Being, of Becoming, of Passage in the continuous flow of existence, as a place of treasures to be known…
By giving form to the images that start from the body and the nature, we obtain a stronger perception of the world of sensations, of internal landscapes and of the connection with the external world, with the universe of which we are a part.
This Project is not proposed here as therapy, but as dance and experience that help us to be more receptive and in touch with our nourishing Self and the healing body: a personal journey of  Body Liberation!
Yumiko Yoshioka and Annalisa Maggiani have been collaborating for about 30 years in performance, performance projects and workshops. This new proposal stems from the desire to create a retreat for regeneration and healing by bringing together “Body-Resonance” and “Dance with Nature- Authentic Movement”.

Workshop location
Casina Settarte (Ostuni-Apulia) -
Casina Settarte is a centre for creative development and education alongside the practice of sustainability, a place of creative research and experimentation surrounded by nature: „Here daily life is marked by the principles of love for the land, attention and care for every living being and the search for our essential self!“
The food is vegetarian and organic. Various accommodation possibilities you will have contact details when requesting information.
Arrival by train: Ostuni Train Station
Arrival by plane: Airport Brindisi (45 km to Ostuni) or Airport Bari and Train to Ostuni. In Ostuni pick up to Casina Settarte.


Yumiko Yoshioka
Belonging to a third generation of Butoh artists, she has developed a personal style of bodywork called Body Resonance, which integrates Butoh practice, inspired by Noguchi Taiso gymnastics and various other Asian training methods to help prepare the body to receive and transmit dance and creation.
She is a Japanese Butoh dancer and choreographer from Tokyo. Since 1988 she has been based in Berlin. She is a former member of Ariadone, the first female Butoh company, which was founded by Ko Murobushi and Carlotta Ikeda in 1974.
In 1978, she performed with Ko and Carolotta in Paris, LE DERNIER EDEN – PORTE DE L'AU-DELA, the very first Butoh performance to be presented in a public theatre outside Japan. In 1988 she met Minako Seki and delta RA'i in Berlin, with whom she founded tatoeba THÉÂTRE DANCE GROTESQUE. (1988 – 1996)
Yumiko founded the art-formation group "TEN PEN CHii  art labor " with visual artist Joachim Manger (Germany) and music composer, Zam Johnson (USA) (1995-2016) and presented quite a few of unique performances with installations, sound  and physical works.
Many other collaboration with international artists and dancers encouraged Yumiko to start to unfold her own personal style of dancing and choreography.

Annalisa Maggiani
has developed her own method “Movement-Dance with Nature and Awareness” result of a long research aimed at creating a terrain of awareness and integration between the body, the imaginary and the elements of nature. Fundamental points is re-establish a connection with the "natural body", combine individual rituals with collective rituals, the birth of a personal dance, connect our experiences to our everyday life.
Annalisa Maggiani is a dancer - focus on Butoh- and choreographer, dance-movement therapist, psychologist, and philosopher (University of Pisa). She is a studied MA art psychotherapist (Godsmith College) and Advanced Master´s Degree in Authentic Group Movement(Art Therapy italiana).  She collaborates  till 1995 with Yumiko Yoshioka in tatoeba THÉÂTRE DANCE GROTESQUE and in the Butoh Company  “Ten pen chii art labor”. In Italy and Berlin she worked as a performer and as a dancer therapist in several psychiatric rehabilitation centres and School, directed the Solo Butoh Festival "La Danza di Confine" (Lerici, Sarzana 2003-2013). She currently lives and works in Berlin and Italy - in Berlin at the Intercultural Centre for Women S.U.S.I., with refugee women and dance therapy projects with women with an eating disorder.
She also Collaborates in various social and performance-projects in Berlin and Italy and collaborate with many dancers, artist and musicians.

I hope to move and dance with you in this retreat. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to write to me.
Cari saluti and take care Annalisa  Maggiani  and Yumiko Yoshioka


Info and Reservation
mobile/whatsapp: +49-176-63304564

La danza della farfalla dorata


27. giugno 2024

ore 17.30 -20.30

Monti di San Lorenzo


Nel cerchio delle anime selvatiche
Danza con la Natura e consapevolezza la farfalla dorata

17:30 ci troviamo ai ruderi della chiesa di Sal Lorenzo e da li a piedi andiamo ad una meravigliosa radura

circa 15 min cammino in un sentiero in leggera salita difficoltà: facile.

18.00-19.30 pratiche di Danza con la natura e consapevolezza 

„intorno al Solstizio: incontrare l‘estate incontrare la farfalla dorata“

19.30 ritorno e arrivo ore 20.00

dalla farfalla dorata. Raccoglimento meditativo

20.45 circa finale

costo: offerta libera

arrivo con auto: posteggio monti di San Lorenzo che è segnato sulla destra prima di ultima salita per la chiesetta

per info e iscrizioni contattatemi direttamente

mobile/whatsapp: +49-176-63304564 

Aggiornamento professionale permanente riconosciuto da Apid per il 2024


Danza con la natura e consapevolezza

un approccio ecologico della


14-16 Giugno 2024

Tenuto da Annalisa Maggiani

Nel Retrait attraverso gli strumenti della Danza movimento terapia contatteremo le risonanze tra il corpo, gli elementi della natura e l'immaginazione, il nostro respiro ed il grande respiro della foresta, dell´acqua e della terra, risvegliando la parte intuitiva ed istintiva e compassionevole che è in ognuna di noi, importante per chi lavora con la Danza-movimento-terapia e nella relazione d´aiuto.

Saremo volte a ristabilire una connessione con il “corpo naturale”, unendo rituali individuali a rituali collettivi, la connessione tra il Sé ed il Luogo con momenti performativo-rituali.

 Il contatto con gli elementi portará ad incentivare il “grounding”, il radicamento, il legame con la terra, il flusso libero dell´acqua e del respiro e l´energia vitale propulsiva.

Questo lavoro è il frutto di una lunga ricerca volta a creare un terreno di consapevolezza ed integrazione tra il corpo, il movimento, l’immaginario e gli elementi della natura.  

Nella giornata di sabato interventi di musica dal vivo della musicista e ricercatrice della voce Cristina Alioto*


A chi si rivolge:

Danza-movimento-terapeut* diplomat*, diplomand* e in formazione, a chi lavora nella realzione d´aiuto, insegnanti, artiste ed artisti, performer e danzatrici, danzatori e a che desideri approfondire la danza di relazione con la natura.

Riferimenti metodologici

 dmt psicodinamica, Body work e danza delle connessioni corporee (Peggy Hackney- Laban Bertenieff), Movimento autentico, Butoh-Body Resonance, lavoro di terapie espressive.


14-16 Giugno 2024 (inizio venerdí ore 17.00 termine  domenica ore 15.30


Lunigiana- Casa Florida (Pontremoli)   


Ore di Formazione

16 ore


Costo vitto ed alloggio

penottamenti, colazioni, cena di venerdí e pranzo di domenica  tutto compreso 90€ -  il pranzo e la cena di sabato sará auto-organizzata (si cucinerá insieme) 


Annalisa Maggiani (Berlino-La Spezia) é Danza-Movimento Terapeuta (APID-Art Therapy Italiana), Supervisore APID, Psicologa, Dott. in Filosofia,MA Art Psychotherapist Godsmith College Univ. London, Docente. Nel 2020 ha concluso il Master avanzato di Movimento Autentico (Art Therapy Italiana). Performer, danzatrice con preferenza il Butoh, danza con la natura, svolge attivitá privata di sostegno psicologico e danzaterapia individuale e di gruppo. Nel 2023 ha partecipato  alla pubblicazione del libro del Festival “ La Sinfonia della Natura” con il contributo “Danza con al Natura” ed. Tarka, Mulkazzo (MS), 2023

*Cristina Alioto: Musicista, ricercatrice della voce


Info ed iscrizioni whatsapp +49- +49-176-63304564

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